PyDataBA #7 [PyData Berlin edition]
Štvrtok 8.3.2018 19:00PyData is global network of Data Science meetups and conferences with focus on, but not only, on Python, R, Julia and Stan and Open Data Science tools in general.
Data Privacy and Machine Learning
If data is the new oil, who is giving out the oil rights? In the shadow of the new General Data Protection Regulation, data scientists and machine learning practitioners are asking themselves: whose private data am I using when I train my models and how can I ensure my models respect user privacy? In this talk, we'll cover recent developments in privacy and machine learning which create more robust privacy for users when training simple and deep learning models.
About speaker: Katharine Jarmul is a pythonista and founder of Kjamistan, a data science and machine learning consulting company in Berlin, Germany. She's been using Python since 2008 to solve and create problems. She helped form the first PyLadies chapter in Los Angeles in 2010, and co-authored an O'Reilly book along with several video courses on Python and data. She enjoys following the latest developments in machine learning, natural language processing and workflow automation infrastructure and is generally chatty and crabby on Twitter, where you can keep up with her latest shenanigans (@kjam).
See you all there!
PyData Bratislava Facebook group you can find here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1813599648877946/
PyData Bratislava Twitter account here: https://twitter.com/PyDataBA
PyData Bratislava LinkedIn group here: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13506080
All materials from previous PyData Bratislava meetups on GitHub here: https://github.com/GapData/PyData
Recordings from previous meetups: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYpKpmapqjI&list=PLISV6olKXnd9pE-KPtPgwwLe6qPXvb9K7 We are always on the lookout for speakers for our meetups. Please get in contact if you are interested in giving a talk. #DataScience #Python #R #Julia #PyDataBA Contact: radovan.kavicky@gapdata.org