SK & CZ Tableau User Group #skczTUG Meetup (Bratislava edition)
Streda 26.6.2019 18:30Please join us on Wednesday, June 26th for the next Meeting of the SK & CZ Tableau User Group (skczTUG). Whether new to Tableau or a longtime user, this is an opportunity to connect with your local Tableau Community. You'll have the chance to share best practices, network with others, and learn new approaches to Tableau with other users in your area. Agenda:
6:30pm - 6:45pm Brief Introductions
6:45pm - 7:10pm Future of Tableau Software: Tableau & SalesForce by Radovan Kavický, GapData Institute (GDI) https://public.tableau.com/profile/radovan.kavicky#!/
7:10pm - 7:30pm Short update and more about upcoming activities & plans for skczTUG
7:30pm - 7:45pm Tableau partner (+2nd Speaker/TBC)
7:45pm - 8:00pm Tableau 2019 Product Roadmap
8:00pm - 8:30pm Networking and Socializing
Where: Nervosa, Zámocká 30, 811 01 Bratislava
Google Maps (Directions to Building): https://goo.gl/maps/icv3uArGv2nTuLLS6
When: Wednesday, 26 June 2019
Language of the event: English, Slovak & Czech
Registration: Splash (Tableau's new organization tool) registration here: https://skcztug.splashthat.com & Eventbrite group's event here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sk-cz-tableau-user-group-skcztug-meetup-bratislava-edition-tickets-63530109267 (if you use both your seat is guarateed). +our event you can find also @ Facebook event here.
[Disclaimer: If you use both (Splash & Eventbrite) or at least one of them your seat is guarateed/if you just mark "going" @Facebook event we can't guarantee your seat].
--------------------------------------- Feel free to contact your Tableau User Group Leader (Radovan Kavický) @ radovan.kavicky@gapdata.org [Phone: +421 949 716 214 (SK)/+420 777 595 262 (CZ)] if you have any questions regarding TUG meeting or interested in presenting in the next event.
Hope to see you all there! --------------------------------------- Sponsors: Kiwi.com (previously known as skypicker.com) is a Czech online travel agency. On its website Kiwi.com it provides a fare aggregator, metasearch engine and booking for airline tickets. Its unique feature is "virtual interlining" - selling flight itineraries combining normally non-cooperating airlines, while company provides guarantees covering missed connections.
GapData Institute (GDI) is a nonprofit nonpartisan research institution harnessing power of data & wisdom of economics for public good. || Data. Think. Change. || --------------------------------------- About our Tableau User Group (TUG): SK & CZ Tableau User Group (skczTUG) is an active place for discussion between Tableau Enthusiasts and Users, Data Scientists, Economists and Statisticians of all levels in Slovakia & Czechia/Slovak republic & Czech republic using Tableau for data analysis and data visualization.
The goals are to build Tableau community in Slovakia & Czechia and to provide Tableau enthusiasts a place to share ideas and learn from each other about how best to apply Tableau to ever-evolving challenges in the vast realm of data analytics, management, processing and visualization.
We share here interesting articles, links to books or work of others in Tableau you find elsewhere, asking questions you have while working on a Tableau project/visualization, as well as presenting results of your own work in Tableau.
Join the SK & CZ Tableau User Group (skczTUG)
Official Tableau Community page here: https://community.tableau.com/groups/czech-and-slovak On Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/356635138031671/ On LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8584476